There was a time when men were men and took great risks. (And the world was even more sexist than it still is.)
Today, it’s not hard to find some middle-aged guy talking about the “Pussification of today’s youth,” when they rarely did anything to merit any real degree of boasting. But to hear them tell the story, we were all hanging from hot air balloons from threads of dental floss while today’s younger people are living in a world of cushions and hugs.
The thing is, that’s all bullshit. Men and women have always taken risks to various degrees, and still do today. That’s the topic this week — not the board game, Risk, but actual risky behavior and how it’s shaped humanity.
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We kick off this episode talking about the first time in our lives when we realized there was this thing out there called risk. After that, we discuss whether or not we were risk-takers when younger…and whether or not we are today.
We chat about the greatest risks we’ve taken…as well as the funniest.
Is physical risk the pinnacle of risk, or are there other kinds of risks that eclipse even the kinds of things that can kill us? Also: find out what we’ve learned about ourselves by taking risks.
Risk has become a bit of a buzzword. Go to a conference of many sorts, and you’ll hear people saying that even things as normal as blogging and podcasting are “risks.” Are those actual risks — and is “Take more risks!” good advice, or just a platitude?
After that, we talk about if what constitutes risk has changed over the years or remained the same. We also discuss the point at which taking risks is unwise.
We weren’t kidding in our intro about hearing middle-aged men talking about today’s youth being “pussies.” But is there any truth to the notion that millennials don’t take risks?
Then we drag out our imaginations and pretend we have kids. Find out how we’d deal with having kids who are thrilled by taking great risks.
And we wrap it all up with a look to the future — and whether or not humans will reach a point of maximum risk achieved…or if we will always find new risks to take.
Take a risk and leave a comment if you’d like…we’d love to hear about some of the risks you’ve taken in life.
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From the time I could walk to young adulthood, I should’ve been hit by a car / abducted / lost / drowned / exploded so many times. No sense of danger whatsoever, and I would just go out and wander… Anytime and anywhere. I was “technically” abducted a couple of times as a baby, but that wasn’t because of any risk I took.
I think there’s a lot to be said for not having certain fears. Granted, I’m a big guy, but I’ve walked places where even locals have said, “Are you nuts?!” Most of the people I know are amazed they are still alive; at the very least, most of us have a story about a brush with death.
I’m much more cautious these days, but part of that is because I’ve chosen to share my life with someone, and it would not be cool for Cynthia to become a flying-squirrel-suit widow.