Number one reason you want to listen to this week’s podcast? Christopher figures out how much he’d have to weigh to have Godzilla’s body mass index (BMI). From there, we talk about how food and shopping has changed and ask if it’s possible to eat healthy on a budget any more. Is health what we see in magazines, or is it possible to be small and strong? Really, what is healthy? What can we learn about health from other countries?
From there, a bit about whether or not there’s a conscious effort to keep people unhealthy for profit. (Can that even be something done by design?) Are bad health habits really that bad, or can what some deem as unhealthy actually be healthy? Holistic health management: bunch of BS or is there something to it? And finally, as a society with a large percentage of people who work while sitting, what are some of the best things a desk-bound jockey can do for better health?
If you’ve been listening and enjoy the podcast, consider going to iTunes, Stitcher, or wherever you find the show an leave a rating or review. We’re two episodes away from #25! Thanks to everybody who’s been listening!
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At 5′ 10″ and 128-ish lbs (I don’t keep track of my weight), I’m technically “underweight.” But the thing is, I can’t gain weight, I’ve tried. Doesn’t happen. I’m a big eater, I just have very inefficient metabolism. I think I burn more calories simply sleeping than normal people do running a marathon. But I agree your BMI is not extremely useful, same with your weight. It’s just a number.
Amy’s had non-dairy burritos? Damn, where is she hiding them? All I see at my grocery store is meat burritos or egg burritos. And I check every time.
Yeah, “vegan” does not automatically mean “healthful.” I do try to keep my diet healthful, but I will eat pretty much anything put in front of me, as long as it’s vegan. Lucky for me I do my own food shopping. 🙂
My bad habit is crunching ice, could crunch it all day . . I rationalize it by thinking of all the other worse habits that I don’t have.
CMS: I have a couple friends who can eat anything and still be underweight. People tell them, “When you hit your 30s or 40s, you’ll regret it — you’ll gain!” but in some cases, even into their 50s, they can still put down half a gallon of ice cream, not really exercise, and not gain weight. Knew one guy with such a metabolism that getting drunk was difficult for him.
Behold, the Amy’s non-dairy burrito! (List of other vegan things they have, here. It would appear even some things that once weren’t vegan because the soy cheese had casein are now using Daiya faux cheese.)
Thanks for the links! 🙂